ฑิยภัทร เลาหเวชวานิช และคณะ,

Atlas of Digital Pathology for Health Science Students / ฑิยภัทร เลาหเวชวานิช และคณะ - พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 1 - 2 online resource (488 หน้า)

General Pathology--Skin--Musculoskeletal System--Cardiovascular System--Lung and Upper Respiratory Tract--Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands--Gastrointestinal System--Liver Biliary System and Pancreas--Kidney--Malc Genital Tract Prostate and Bladder--Female Genital Tract--Breast-- Nervous System--Hematopoietic and Lymphoid System--Endocrine system

The Atlas of Digital Pathology for Health Science Students was created to help medical students and other health sciences students understand pathology, which is defined as the study of disease. Pathology may be considered one of the most challenging subjects in the basic medical sciences, because it introduces students to varied disease entities. Disease origins and pathophysiology may be complex. In addition, morphology may be unclear. Traditional pathology courses do not emphasize clinical issues.Students frequently lack time for grasping and processing the considerable amount of material presented by pathology instructors.

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8e079f0a-42e0-426c-b8f0-3143edfad07a ศูนย์หนังสือจุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

พยาธิวิทยาทั่วไป ระบบเลือดและน้ำเหลือง
